GLF 32: Ricky's Rant

Last updated : 15 August 2017 By GLF

Ricky's Rant


Ricky's Rant

Never a week goes by and Motherwell are in the headlines one way or another, though these days those who appear scared that the 'Well could actually rival the Old Squirm next season are seemingly intent on rubbishing the team and the administration at every opportunity.

The Andy Goram affair stinks like socks just off after a year on somebody’s feet. Revelation after revelation, scandal common place when Goram's name is mentioned - but not one newspaper pointed out the simple, plain fact which makes it ridiculous even just to contemplate printing the nonsense they have, that of the stories being many, many years old. Some estimates give the infamous picture of Andy with the 'UVF' Flag as being five to even as much as ten years old. Not only that, but on closer inspection of the picture would reveal a very dodgy attempt at using paint shop pro for the first time. There is also reason to believe that the picture has been trimmed somewhat to remove other players allegedly present at the 'fundraising event'.

The question is, why was this all hidden until after Andy had settled in at Fir Park and looked the part, even being considered, so it would appear, for a place in the Scotland squad to face the Bosnians and the Czechs? The papers deny a witch-hunt, claiming it is all new and must be published - garbage, they are being merely sensationalist and, as I have said, attempting with great effect to undermine all the work done at Fir Park since John Boyle took over. It's co-incidental the stories are about Goram, I feel they have been itching for a story for months now and have got the one they want. Few have a good word to say about not only Andy but also the Chairman, Tosser Traynor calling him a 'Walter Mitty/Mercer' character. How many stories have been printed that have been praising of Motherwell? Very few, that's for sure. And on the Radio on Saturday prior to the Cup game with Stirling, Mr Boyle was on and gave, for me, an excellent explanation of the situation. It is up to Billy Davies who picks the team, had the allegations been current and proven then I am sure Billy would not have had Andy Goram within a mile of Fir Park.

Strange, was it not, that the only person to back Billy Davies/Motherwell in general was Gordon Smith, a former footballer. Murdo McLeod failed to, but then, who said he was a footballler? And as for Tosser Traynor, the man is a total twat with a bag of tatties on his shoulders. Is it a co-incidence he is an Airdire fan? Far as I am concerned, Scottish Law rules on this one - innocent until absolutely and without doubt proven guilty, and on this there is more doubt than stories floating around. Then there was the Evening Times, every Old Squirm fans favourite paper - you need to turn in about 40 pages to find any news regarding other teams. I mean, headline a few weeks ago Barry Ferguson is going to be a Dad - what a load of tosh. Who gives a monkeys??!! Then after the Sunday Scum had published the ancient 'new' news, the Times gets out the ladle to stir it some more by suggesting that Goram's life is now in danger if he plays against Crisis Park. Didn't see anyone take a pot at Fat Boy Gazza when he played the flute, or the likes of Durrant and McCoist when they were pictured at lodges of a night.

And to suggest the Crisis Park fans would run on the park and attack Goram, why now and now whilst he played for Greyskull and continually denied Crisis Park. That story was designed to whip up as much bother as possible, now instead of the game being an interesting clash between an in-form Parkhead side and a rapidly-improving Motherwell team, it's being billed as a grudge match leaving every Motherwell fan fearing for their own safety, particularly after the match should we take all three points. Smith again, I think it was, who suggested the best scenario would be if Motherwell led 1-0 to the 4th minute of injury time, Crisis Park get a dodgy penalty, and everyone's favourite crap striker Harold the Barrel steps up and hits the Cellnet transmitters with the ball - al l the talk would be of the missed penalty. Yeh, I'd accept that, though only if Larrson gets sent off for one dive too many. Now, what happens if and when the stories surrounding Andy Goram are proved false - will any of the newspapers print an apology? Possibly, if ordered to do so, but you can be sure it will be on page 35 or something, in size 6 print, and about 5 words long.

I recall the last time this came out, from what I remember Goram and the Daily Ranger settled out of court for rather a hefty sum of dosh. You'd think they would have learned their lesson after that. And then to suggest that someone in a picture, since convicted of an offense of gross indecency, is a best friend of Gorams really is ridiculous and deserving of the most complete punishment possible. That's to suggest that each and every one of us is best buddies with murderers, child molesters and thieves, as no doubt most of us have known someone who fits in to the above three categories, or has walked by someone of that description in the street. The incident apparently happened well after the photo was taken, no mention of that in the newspapers of course. I feel that the whole incident will peter out, unless they manage to dig up some other ancient, irrelevant fact and twist it to suit their own needs. Should someone attempt to attack Andy, they are the ones who are in the wrong, not Goram or Motherwell for that matter for playing the best player they have available in that position. The papers concentrate on Andy's alleged (nothing proven, remember) links with a sectarian organization, no mention of the fact (and it is fact) of the links with the Republican movement and Crisis Park's fans.

Bhoys against Bigotry - don't make me laugh. Goram is no complete innocent, he should have known better but I believe took the wrong advice having no knowledege of the Sectarianism until he joined Greyskull, but no way do I think he is, as the papers are attempting to portray him, a terrorist sympathizer. Call me ill-informed if you like, and I am sure some will, but from what I know and from what I have read, someone, somewhere, is out to get not only Andy Goram but also Motherwell FC by spinning as much garbage as they possibly can. Concentrating on the bad news, they aint interested in all the brilliant work done so far by the best administration the club has ever been under.

So, let's all back the Board, back the team, and back Goram - after all, everyone of us has done things we shouldn't have in the past. Not as bad, or as provocative perhaps, but if they were dragged up everytime one of us tried to get on in life, nobody would get anywhere. We have perhaps the best team on the park for many a year, let's all ensure that the Press are made to eat their words and we continue to go from strength to strength.


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