The Party of the Decade was held at Fir Park on Friday 18th May 2001 in celebration of the Cup Win of 1991. Hundreds of fans turned out for the sell out event which was held simultaneously at the Cooper and Centenary Suites.

My Cup Final Ticket!
A great start to the weekend of celebration as the pictures below show

Pie with the Pies!.
The cup heroes got a great welcome from the fans and glasses were raised to toast Tom Boyd, Jamie Dolan, Jim Griffin, Stevie Kirk, Colin O'Neill, Ian Angus, Dougie Arnott, Ian Ferguson, Chris McCart, Luc Nijholt, Craig Paterson and John Philliben.

Pre-match warm up

Can you name them?

Second half scrum!

Psycho celebrates his penalty v Morton!
Cup Win 1991 Index |