One Step Beyond: Number 75 Arrives

Last updated : 15 November 2006 By Firparkcorner

Three quarters of the way towards a Century. Doesn't it just feel like yesterday when "The Finest Bog Read Known To 'Well Fans" first showed it's wee Madness man on the front cover?

Does to me anyhow, 12 years has flashed past since that first issue and in the ensuing years we've averaged over 6 issues per season which is "No' Too Bad" to coin another phrase.

The proposed book for this Christmas is still undergoing the proofreading process but we're still working towards an early December release, all being well. More details on the back page. More contributors this time which is all good, keep them coming. We have many diferent opinions within our fan base, all valid, so if you've something to say get it sent in. It's your magazine after all.

There are many and varied topics covered as usual in this edition, perhaps the treatment of fans at grounds these days is the most prominent in people's minds, especially those who travel away and in particular those who brave the Old Firm haunts.

Lots to moan about and loads to get through whilst yer sitting on yir throne, look out for the guys selling it outside the ground on Saturday.
