The Barmacks flesh out their Motherwell plan

Last updated : 05 July 2024 By John Wilson

Motherwell’s potential external investors have issued a 33 page document ahead of the upcoming shareholder ballot.

Erik and Courtney Barmack have responded to the Well Society’s ‘Our Club, Our Future’ vision that was released at the start of this week.  The comprehensive document arrived as the club begins to distribute voting papers.


The Executive board recommends acceptance of the Wild Sheep offer while the Society board recommends rejection.

Today’s paper shares many areas in common with those identified by the fan group.  Additional initiatives listed include the development of the “expansive possibilities of global media and technology platforms” and a Motherwell mobile App at a cost of £100,000.

The offer would bring an investment of $1.95M over a six year period with the hope that income will grow over the period.

Many fans on social media platforms have expressed concern that the granting of a 46%  shareholding together with three seats on the club board (including a casting vote) is poor value for the proposed investment.  There is a feeling that fan control would be severely limited.

The initial proposal would have left the Society as a minority shareholder and was met with fierce opposition.  The revised offer may have had a kinder hearing had it come first.  A souring of the relationship may be enough to kill the deal. 

The club’s executive board remains wedded to the proposal and they back the recommendation with a statement on the club website.

It is regrettable that the Society and the club boards were unable to come to an agreement on the way ahead.  However, the Society board was elected in October and they are entitled to expect the backing of members after their analysis of the offer.

The Well Society’s plan for growth

The Wild Sheep plan